Seyyed Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan Hosseini, (God bless him) is the Sheik (head) of the Tariqat Alia Qadiriya Kasnazani (the Qadiriya Kasnazani’s great path) in the world. He is one of the flag bearers of Iraq and the Islamic world and a great thinker and scientist. Not only because he is a sheik of a Sufi sect, but also because of his merits, he is ready to advance in religious, political, social, and scientific fields. Mr. Sheik Mohammad Kasnazani is from the Hosseini Hashemi family, which is a branch of the holy family tree of the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), whose roots are strong and whose branches are in the sky.
He is Seyyed Sheik Sultan Khalifa Mohammad al-Mohammad, son of Seyyed Abdulkarim, son of Seyyed Abdulqadir, son of Seyyed Abdulkarim Shah Kasnazan, son of Seyyed Hossein, son of Seyyed Hasan, son of Seyed Abdulkarim, son of Seyed Ismail Al-Woliani, son of Seyyed Mohammad al-Noudhi, son of Seyyed Baba Ali al-Nodrina, son of Seyyed Baba Rasool Kabir, son of Seyyed Abdul Seyed II. Seyyed Abdul Rasool, son of Seyed Qalandar, son of Seyed Abdul Seyed, son of Seyed Isa Al-Ahdab, son of Seyed Hossein, son of Seyed Bayazid, son of Seyed Abdulkarim I, son of Seyed Isa al-Barzanji, son of Seyed Baba Ali Hamadani, son of Seyed Yousef Hamadani, son of Seyed Mohammad Mansour, son of Seyed Abdul Aziz, son of Seyed Abdullah, son of Seyed Ismail Al-Muhaddith, the son of Imam Musa Kazim, the son of Imam Jafar Sadiq, the son of Imam Mohammad Baqir, the son of Imam Ali Zain Al-Abedin, the son of Imam Hussein, the son of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib ( God grant him peace) and Fatima Zahra, the lady of the worldly women (peace be upon him), the daughter of the Messenger of God and the seal of the prophets, Mohammad Mustafa (peace be upon him). The title of Kasnazan, which was applied to the family of Seyyed Sheik (God bless him), is a title that was given to their ancestor, the righteous, pious and ascetic Sayyid Abdulkarim I (God bless him). The word (Kasnazan) is a Kurdish word and it means a person whose true identity no one knows The reason for giving this title to him is that he was separated from the people for four years and he was alone with his Lord in one of the mountains Qaradagh and benefited from his closeness and became familiar with his worship ,and when one of the people was asked about the Sheik, he said: kas nazan (That means no one knows). This word was used as a nickname for Seyyed Sheik and then for his children and descendants, as well as this nickname was given in the language of the people as a flag and sign to the Tariqat Aliia Qadiriyeh Kasanzani, which was accepted by the Sheik and his children and descendants. The name Kasnazan is a family name and the name of a religion and has an idiomatic meaning. The name of the clan to which the family of Seyyed Sheik Mohammad (God bless him) belongs is Sadat Barzanji clan. The great ancestor of this clan, Sheik Isa Al-Barzanji, was the first person who lived in Barzanjeh in northern Iraq. God bless his children in terms of number and reputation in this world and the hereafter. Today, Sadat Barzanji is the largest Sadat tribe in northern Iraq.
birth and upbringing
Seyyed Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan Hosseini, (God bless him) was born at dawn on Friday in Kirbchna village of Sangaw in Kirkuk province in northern Iraq on the 14th month of Safar (1358 AH) corresponding to the 15th of April (1938 AD). Since the village of Kirbchna is the birthplace of the Sheiks of the Kasnazani order, the sheik followed the path and tariqat of his father Seyyed Sheik Abdulkarim Kasnazan (God bless him) from his early years, who was also in charge of the position of Sheik on behalf of his elder brother, Sheik Seyyed Hasan Kasanzan (God bless him). Seyyed Sheik Hossein Kasnazan (God bless him) has been and still is nicknamed Sultan. Sultan Hussain (God bless him) is the one who named the newborn Sheik Abdulkarim, Mohammad and gave the good news and said: He would be the guardian of his time and would be in the Tariqat with extensive spiritual authority and dignity. The sheik (God bless him) grew up in this spiritual atmosphere, in this peace and among the great saints whom he saw only bowing, prostrating, glorifying, thinking and pondering. Sultan Hussain (may God be pleased with him) was also one of the tribal leaders, despite the influential national positions they held in all fields. He and other sheiks and well-known tribes led by Seyyed Sheik Mahmoud Al-Hafid resisted the British during the occupation of Iraq. Sultan Hossein (God bless him) led the Kirbchna War with the British, which later resulted in the war Darband Bazyan. In that war, the British were defeated and the commander of the army, Captain Mar, was captured. In these battles, Sultan Hussain (God bless him) acted like a hero, although this issue was not new at that time, because Sultan Hussain was the eldest son of Sheik Abdul Qadir (God bless him). Sheik Abdul Qadir, a devotee, ascetic, hero, and mujahid, was the one who led the anti-Russian battles on the border of Iran in the Bana region and participated in the Battle of Maidan along with the heads of the Kurdish tribes and Sadat Barzanji. And as for the Sheik’s father, Sheik Abdulkarim (God bless him), the one who took over the leadership of the sheiks of the Tariqat, he was one of the great religious and social figures, who increased the number of disciples, and the horizon of guidance, education, and conduct became wider. Our sheik (God bless him) grew up in this atmosphere full of spirituality, morals, and ideals. He drank a blessed drink from this pure spring so that he was raised in virtue.
Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (God bless him) inherited the Tariqat and the sciences of Sufism from his father with a large encyclopedia. He had an intellectual and spiritual power that was perfected in cultivation. He learned Islamic and Arabic sciences from the great scholars of his time and Egyptian jurists in his grandfather’s school (Kirbchna). She studied Arabic and Islamic sciences with the greatest scholars, including Mullah Kaka Hama Saifuddin, Mullah Ali Mustafa, nicknamed Ali Lilan, and Mullah Abdullah Aziz Kirbchnani. Sheik (God bless him) was not satisfied with that, but by studying a lot, he developed this store of knowledge, which is considered his main concern. Sheik has a rare scientific library containing thousands of books and manuscripts which he collected with difficulty. For seventeen years, he constantly browsed the house of manuscripts, the public endowment library, and the library of Qadiriyeh Sharifah, and entered the library at the beginning of the official time and did not leave the library except at the end of it. Therefore, his knowledge of Sufi and his spiritual powers, in addition to being a divine grace, Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (God bless him) did many years of Sacrifices and training. Regarding the Sufism sciences, he studied and researched with commitment. The biggest proof of this is what is included in his great success (Kasnazan Encyclopaedia as the people of Sufism and mysticism agree on it), which is considered unique.
Taking over the post of sheik
According to the people of Tariqat, becoming a sheik is done by the selection and appointment of the Almighty God and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and whoever is chosen for this holy mission will always be desired and favored by God. Then every light that falls will fall on him. Therefore, whatever help the Sheik wants, ( Because of his merit and fulfilling his duties in guiding people to the path of truth and faith, calling to God Almighty with wisdom and good sermons, spreading goodness, light and peace among people and carrying out the missions of enjoining good and forbidding evil and the tasks of spiritual education for Followers and subordinates.) it will be given to him by the Lord. The situation with Sheik (God bless him) was like this; In the last pilgrimage, when Hazrat Seyyed Sheik Abdulkarim Kasnazan (God bless him) visited the shrines of the sheiks in the village of Kirbchna, Sayyid Sheik Mohammad (God bless him) was with him, and in that meeting, a large number of caliphs, dervishes, companions and Disciples were present. After Sheik Abdulkarim (may God have mercy on him) finished the rituals of pilgrimage, he sat down with signs of happiness on his generous face and said: O my dervish children, from today Seyyed Sheik Mohammad will be your Sheik, and this is the matter of our teachers, whoever obeys him has obeyed us, and whoever deviates from his command has deviated from our command. Then he looked at the shrines of the sheiks and said: I will say goodbye to you now and this will be our last meeting. He (his son Sheik Mohammad) is your representative that you trusted him and accepted his representation. This event marked the transfer of the position of Sheik Tariqat from Sheik Abdulkarim (God bless him) to Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (God bless him). As the sheik had informed, this was his last visit to his ancestors. He passed away in the year (1398 AH) corresponding to (1978 AD) shortly after his last pilgrimage. His death was narrated by Sheik Mohammad Omar Qaradaghi (God have mercy on him), the head of Sulaymaniyah Ulama in his obituary and said:
Your death is sad for Abdulkarim Your history is eternal in heaven
The death of Sheik (may God bless him and grant him peace) was a tragedy for his loved ones, caliphs, disciples, and all Muslims because he had a personality that could show the character of leadership in the spiritual and physical dimensions. Scholars, poets, and writers rushed to lament and praise his successors, and his son Seyyed Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (may Allah be pleased with him) took his place. We select verses from a poem in the obituary of Sheik Abdulkarim (may his soul rest in peace) that Sheik Allamah Abdulmajeed Qutb (may God bless him and grant him peace) is one of the standard-bearers of Iraqi scholars and the head of Kirkuk scholars, in praise of Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (God bless him) wrote:
He disappeared from the Loyalty Master’s sight
Guidance from the Mustafa family
All that Sadat, All of them achieved honor and a high position of honor
Sheik passed away and left great pain and regret in our hearts
Yes, the Sheik left
But, he left a lion boy and then left
Sheik left and left a gem behind him that only gemologists know him
A sheik who leaves behind a son to follow his father’s example is not dead
In this way, Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (God bless him) accepted the position of his father Sheik Abdulkarim (God bless him) after his death and took over the affairs of guidance and guidance. Caliphs and dervishes pledged allegiance to him as a teacher and spiritual father in the year (1398 AH) corresponding to (1978 AD). The fame and reputation of Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (God bless him) spread from the very early years when he attained the position of Sheik. Sheik’s sincerity and honesty, along with his charming family personality and his patience in calling to God Almighty, caused a huge number of students of religious sciences and others such as doctors, engineers and specialists in all kinds of sciences to be attracted to him. Kasnazani Tariqat has spread all over Iraq so that you can hardly find a city or a village where Sheik Mohammad Kasnazani (may God bless him and grant him peace) does not have a Tekyeh and is not visited by his disciples. Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (God bless him) has many virtues and clear revelations, but he is not pleased to mention them and does not allow anyone to talk about them. He warns the disciples against relying on discovery and dignity and considers Sufism to have two characteristics: perseverance and stillness. He states that the greatest virtue is perseverance in the law of God Almighty.
the solitudes
Hazrat Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (God bless him and grant him peace) had many retreats during his father’s lifetime. His first solitude (Itikaf) was six months after taking over the duties of Tariqat, which was on the 20th of Sha’ban of the year 1398 AH corresponding to 1978 AD. He was accompanied by several dervishes and caliphs, each of whom, after learning the system and manners of seclusion from their master, sat in his seclusion with pure intention following the speech of the Sheik (God bless him) before entering it. In 1399 A.H. according to 1979 AD, he entered his second solitude and twice the number of dervishes who entered with him in the first retreat joined him. The system of solitude was fully applied to them and each of those people left the solitude with their share.
Scientific and mystical achievements
He has many Sufi books, some of which he published:
Merciful lights in Qadiriya Kasenzani’s tariqat
Cleansing the Mind quoted by Sheik Abdulqadir
Great Tariqat of Qadiriya Kasenzani
Kasnazan encyclopedia in what the people of Sufism and mystics agree on
He has several other books and letters under the title of print, including:
Dignity in a new stage
Kasnazan and humans
Sufism… the first law of heaven
Dua is the principle of worship
Long hair in Islam
Rosary in Islam
The Solitude of Islam
The Tekyehs are the houses of God
The birth of the Prophet and its importance in the modern era
Allegiance and covenant with Sofia
Other scientific achievements
The modern style of education sometimes appears as texts devoid of moral content and moral concepts. If there is a distance between science and politeness, whatever the scientific reserves and richness of science, you will find a severe weakness in the influence of science on ethics and behavior and refinement of the soul. There is no good or benefit in the knowledge of someone who does not have manners and morals. Indeed, the issue of integration and convergence of science and Sufism was a fixed fact in the essence of Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan and the essence of his Sufi Tariqat. You can hardly see the slightest separation or divergence between his scientific research and mystical experience. It is as if he holds two scales on the edge of moderation in his two generous hands, and does not favor one side over the other. This is evident in all the achievements that His Highness Sheik (God bless him) has made or is trying to make. Among them: The establishment of Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan College (Al Salam University College), which, in addition to the Department of Sharia, Sufism, and Religious Dialogue, has other fields such as economics, politics, law, language, computer science, and applied mathematics. Undoubtedly, this university is an achievement that shows the level of interaction of Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan(God be pleased with him) with the requirements of the modern age. Sheik hopes that the humanities faculty of this university will be like the core of a big university that has branches in all the countries of the civilized world. It is hoped that his efforts, which are based on accurate scientific treatises and calculations based on astronomy, will be accepted and published to create a leading Islamic calendar. This calendar, which is called the Mohammedan calendar, describes the events related to the birth of Mohammad, the Messenger of God. Also, his calendar commemorates the appearance of that dear and absent person from Mohammad’s generation, so it is a practice to sanctify, glorify, and honor the presence of the Holy Prophet. In addition, it provides many advantages to students of Islamic history because the history of events is related to the actual beginning of Islamic history. This calendar serves as an ideal solution for many problems and obstacles in the study of this history [4]. Also, this blessed calendar does not cancel the Hijri calendar but is an extension of it. The establishment of the Central Council of Sufi Sects in Iraq at a time when the signs of the dispersal of Muslims’ words and several ruptures in the unity of Iraq were evident, was a big step towards the unity of Sufism In this way, the sheik should fully fulfill his duty toward his Lord, his religion, and his country. This council also aims to be a channel for dialogue and acquaintance with other congregations, congregations, sects, tariqats, and Sufis of the world. Unity is a word against all those who try to encroach on the holy things of Muslims in general and Sufism in particular. Sheik Mohammad Kasnazan (may God bless him and grant him peace) wishes to make the call of this assembly resound in the hearts and minds of the Sufis of the world to gather together and form a global central council for Islamic Sufism, and Sufis collectively fulfill their basic duties as Defenders and missionaries should do spiritual things. Also, it is hoped that with the establishment of a global central council, Sufis around the world will face global developments in a better way and carry the banner of goodness, peace, and love among the people of the world in a worthy manner. It is a modern lens in an unprecedented style, through which the approach of Seyyed Sheik Mohammad Kasnazani (May God bless him) to the contemporary Sufi world is revealed to reflect the bright aspects of Islamic mysticism to others.
It is worth mentioning that on this site, we paid attention to the adoption of the latest electronic programs, and at the same time we used the latest beautiful designs with an element of originality to try to use the language of civilized dialogue in this era to fill the gaps in the societies as Let’s take a fundamental step. This site has opened its doors to all people, to get opinions and get to know Sufis in different ways and the diversity of their paths. Also, this site welcomes all Islamic thinkers who aim to promote Islamic thought to receive and publish all their comments. It is hoped that this site will receive research, studies, and articles in other languages that will deepen and strengthen the intellectual, cultural, and scientific connection of Muslims with others. The site of the Great Tariqat of Qadiriyeh Kasnazani, is specialized in the approach, method, and principles of the Great Tariqat of Qadiriyeh Kasnazani. Among other achievements of the Sheik, it should be noted the establishment and guidance of the World Sufism and Spiritual Education Center, which was established in 1415 AH, corresponding to 1994 AD. Among other achievements of the Sheik, should be noted the establishment and guidance of the World Sufism and Spiritual Education Center, which was established in 1415 AH, corresponding to 1994 AD. This center specializes in the field of immediate healing cases related to extraordinary matters and the virtues of the Tariqat in a way that proves the existence of the divine essence. In addition to other studies conducted in this center by expert researchers, this center specializes in the field of immediate healing cases related to extraordinary matters and the virtues of the Tariqat in a way that proves the existence of the divine essence.