
Annihilation (Fana)

Fana (annihilation) is the melting away In the Divine Light, where nothing remains of the one experiencing fana; he sees only through Allah, hears only through Allah, and moves, rests, and feels solely through the wisdom of Allah.

Fana is when the disciple loses awareness of himself, seeing only his sheikh or *tariqa* within himself. It is the disappearance of the servant and the presence of the Lord.

There are three levels of fana in the tariqa:
1. *Fana* in the Sheikh,
2. *Fana* in the Messenger ﷺ,
3. *Fana* in Allah, the Exalted.

Fana in the Sheikh

This level means believing that the sheikh Is present, watching, and observing you in all your movements, stillness, and times. When his image is actualized within you and manifested In your heart, it leads you to complete obedience to the sheikh—a blind obedience. Upon reaching this level, love and obedience transfer to the Messenger ﷺ, making his presence alive within you as a witness, watcher, and observer. The love for the sheikh then transforms into love for the Messenger ﷺ, becoming firmly rooted In your heart, leading to complete obedience to him ﷺ, and achieving *fana* in him. At this point, he is with you In eating, drinking, sleeping, and in all your movements and stillness.

After realizing this level, this love extends to the Divine Presence. When you enter the Divine Presence, nothing is absent from you. In this state, you hear through Allah, see through Allah, fly through Allah, and everything is through Allah.


**Sayyid Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Karim Al-Kasnazan Al-Husseini**
Head of the Supreme Qadiriyya Kasnazaniyya Tariqa Worldwide

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allahuma saliy ealaa sayidina muhammad alwasf walwahy walrisalat walhikma ealayh wasahibih wasalam taslima