Matters of Remembrances (Adhkar), Liturgical Practices (Awrad), and Supplications in the Kasnazani Tariqa


Issue 1:

Supplication by the Disciple for the Sheikh of the Tariqa

A disciple Is permitted to pray for his sheikh in any manner within the boundaries of Sharia and the tariqa, as long as this supplication is not considered part of the official *awrads* of the tariqa.
No Kasnazani representative is permitted to impose their specific style of supplication on disciples, unless the sheikh of the tariqa has instructed the supplication to be generalized for all disciples worldwide.

Issue 2:
A disciple may perform their awrads even if not in a state of ablution (wudu), although It is preferable to be in a state of *wudu*.

Issue 3:
A menstruating woman may attend the takiyya (Sufi lodge) and participate in gatherings of dhikr (remembrance) and the general and daily awrads, as stated In the verse: “وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ” (Those who remember Allah often, both men and women), with the exception of prayer and fasting.

Issue 4:
A disciple Is permitted to perform group awrads, such as the afternoon wird (supplication) with their spouse or close relatives (mahrams) only.

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allahuma saliy ealaa sayidina muhammad alwasf walwahy walrisalat walhikma ealayh wasahibih wasalam taslima