Lost, wandering, isolated man, and free from social restrictions, walks in the dark labyrinths of life without responsibility, order, or purpose. This situation cannot lead him to his true desires.
This leads the Individual to engage in fleeting pleasures and desires without limits or conscience, responding only to his carnal and sexual desires to the point of satisfaction. Then there is nothing left to enjoy or take pleasure In, then it is what happens to him,
The spiritual void that is created by the loss of truth (or eternal happiness). That truth that every human being seeks to the extent of his knowledge of the glory of God, when a man loses this truth, he has essentially lost the “essence of life”.
Then he starts to commit suicide and tries to destroy himself and free himself from this life, he does not know that he is eternal and God did not create him only for life and death.
خلق الموت والحیاه لیبلوکم ایکم أحسن عملا (1) :
God created life and death so he can test his men to see who Is more benevolent.
All the books of the prophets and their scriptures and laws also emphasize this spiritual meaning that “the happiness of man In this world and the hereafter Is achieved through unremitting effort and complete obedience to the Qur’an and these heavenly laws” and also insist on this truth that: “Man must see with his own eyes the hidden truth in the secret of the essence of God and the direct secret of him”
وان لیس للإنسان الا ما سعى . وان سعیه سوف یرى(2)
And there is nothing for man except what he strives. And his endeavor will soon be seen.
Therefore, it is obligatory for man to strive In the way of doing good deeds and perseverance on the path throughout his life;
إن الذین قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل علیهم الملائکه الا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا وابشروا بالجنه التی کنتم توعدون(3):
Those who said, “Our Lord is God,” then they stood firm, the angels descend upon them, saying, “Do not fear or grieve, and give good tidings to the Paradise that you were promised.”
In other words, human beings see the great signs of God with their spirit so that their hearts may be assured and their spirits may be at peace when they see the truth, and that feeling of emptiness will also disappear with the sight of the “clear evidence” for the correctness of their movement towards God Almighty.
This is the truth that the smile of the righteous upon their revenge to the higher world reveals, for they see their ranks and degrees in the world of eternity.
Just as our master Abraham (peace be upon him) received the truth after looking at the horizons of the sky, and after that, divine grace befell him and he asked God to be assured by reaching the truth and asked to show him how creatures are revived:
Abraham said, ” God, show me how You revive the dead.” God said, “Have you not believed?” He said, “No, but I want my heart to be assured.”
To who wandering aimlessly and without thought in the labyrinths of life and Its unknown fields, to children of humanity, join the path of the elders of the way, the pioneers of eternity; they who guide you from the path of gradualism to the eternal truth (eternity) that has bewildered the minds of many philosophers and seekers of it. Take the path of good deeds, perseverance, and piety, and reflect on them, for that you will undoubtedly reach your desired hope, which Is survival; a survival after which there is no destruction or death. Then you will reach eternity and lasting blessings in the presence of the Creator of the universe. A creator who have not created man In vain, but have created him to understand this mystery of existence and to understand his true essence in order to be placed in the rank of the eternal ones; this is achieved only with what God Almighty has explained in the firm word (6) of His book:
(والذین جاهدوا فینا لنهدینهم سبلنا(7):
And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our ways.
The head of the family Is primarily responsible for guiding the beliefs of the members of his family through the path of the noble Prophet (peace be upon him) and reinforce the foundations of Islam in them and guiding them through the truth. The Prophet of God (peace be upon him) said: “All of you are responsible, and each of you will be questioned about his subordinates.” Because the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) communication is a divine matter:
(وما ینطق عن الهوى. ان هو الا وحی یوحى(8):
And he does not speak from his desire. His speech is nothing but revelation that is revealed to him.
Since the way Is an extension of the path of the Prophet of God, and its sheikhs are the heirs of the Muhammadi position, the pioneers of reaching the truth. Therefore, following them and following their path Is necessary
1: Verse 2 of Surat al-Mulk
2: The word “nahj” means “clear path”
3: Verses 39-40 of Surat an-Najm
4: Verse 30 of Surat Fussilat
5: Verse 260 of Surat al-Baqarah
6: Verses of the Quran are divided into two categories: Muḥkam(firm) and Mutashābih(comparable).
The word “Muḥkam” (firm) refers to verses whose meaning is so clear that It is impossible to consider another meaning for It. The word “Mutashābih” (comparable) refers to verses that have multiple possible meanings for their apparent meaning.
7: Verse 69 of Surat al-‘Ankabut
8: Verses 3-4 of Surat an-Najm