
Annihilation (Fana) Fana (annihilation) is the melting away In the Divine Light, where nothing remains of the one experiencing fana; he sees only through Allah, hears only through Allah, and moves, rests, and feels solely through the wisdom of Allah. Fana is when the disciple loses awareness of himself, seeing only his sheikh or *tariqa* within himself. It is the

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Matters of Allegiance and the Pledge of the Kasnazani Tariqa

  Issue 1: Giving Allegiance through Modern Communication Means It is permissible to give allegiance (bay’ah) to the tariqa, with the permission of the current sheikh, via telephone, internet (such as Messenger), or any other existing or future modern communication methods, provided that the tariqa pledge is recited correctly. This allowance applies as long as physical handshaking is not feasible

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The term Tariqa in Islamic Sharia

Introduction All praise is due to Allah, and complete blessings and peace be upon His beloved, His chosen one, who embodied revelation, message, and wisdom, and upon his family and companions. In this critical phase of our contemporary Islamic history, a period which can be described as pivotal in the life of the Ummah, we find ourselves compelled to clarify

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The concept of tariqa In the Quran

The Concept of Tariqa If we search for the concept of tariqa In the Quran in terms of Its true essence and its foundational pillars, rather than the literal term that became known later, we find that many verses reference it, clarify Its pillars, illuminate its aspects, and indicate Its nuances. For instance, followers of tariqa are renowned for their

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The Tariqa and Spiritual Power

  Kuthir bin Qais narrates: “I was sitting with Abu Darda in the mosque of Damascus when a man approached him and said: ‘O Abu Darda, I have come to you from the city of the Messenger of Allah, seeking a hadith that I heard you narrate from the Prophet.’ Abu Darda asked him, ‘Did you come here for any

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